赖力欣® 赖氨酸营养增补剂 产品介绍
L-ysine™ Product Info
Active Ingredients:
L-lysine hydrochloride, Taurine, Whey protein, Fish oil, Phospholipid, Ferrous sulfate, Zinc oxide, Chicken powder, Beef powder, Sorbitol etc.
Indications for use:
L-ysine™ is an L-Lysine supplement specifically designed for cats and kittens to support a healthy immune system and recommended for conditions responsive to L-Lysine. It also helps support normal respiratory health and helps maintain normal eye function and health.
Directions for use:
For Adult Cats: 1 to 2ml, twice daily.
For kittens: 1ml, twice daily.
Doubled if needed.
Net Weight:
赖力欣® 赖氨酸营养增补剂 产品特点
• 高浓度赖氨酸,有效缓解猫鼻支症状
• 特别添加牛磺酸、营养更易吸收,有效增强免疫力
• 天然、安全无副作用
• 膏剂好饲喂、动物依从性高
• 正规批文有保障
L-ysine™ Product Features
• High concentration of lysine, good for conditions responsive to L-Lysine
• Taurine , better immunity and absorption
• Natural and safe, no side effects
• Easy to administer, good compliance
• Authorized approval number for more Guarantee
1. 赖氨酸®赖氨酸营养增补剂的作用机理是什么?
1. How does L-Lysine™ work?
FHV-1 needs a lot of arginine for replication and by restricting the supply of arginine, L-lysine has the similar structure with arginine and could compete with it to block the virus’s replication. Cat couldn’t produce L-lysine itself but has a large amount of arginine, so the extra L-lysine supplementation is recommended.