主要成分: 非泼罗尼;
性状: 本品为无色或几乎无色的澄清液体;
适应证: 杀虫剂,用于驱杀犬蚤、虱、蜱等体外寄生虫;
用法与用量: 外用。旋转管盖,用手分开犬肩胛骨间的毛发,使皮肤外露,管口对准肩胛骨间的皮肤,挤压药管数次,直至药液完全滴在皮肤上。每月使用一次。
体重(kg) | 每管含量(mL) | 用量(管) |
<10 | 0.67 | 1 |
10-20 | 1.34 | 1 |
20-40 | 2.68 | 1 |
Fiprotect®spot on Product Info
Spot-on solution.Clear, colourless to yellow solution.
It’s a pesticide. For the treatment of flea (Ctenocephalides spp.) and tick (Dermacentor reticulatus) infestations. For the treatment of Trichodectes canis biting lice infestations on dogs.
For external use only. Hold the pipette in an upright position, twist and pull the cap off. Spread the animal hairs in the area between the shoulder blades to make the skin visible. Put the tip of the pipette onto the skin and press the unit-dose pipette several times to empty its contents directly onto the skin at one or two spots. Please use it monthly.Administer by topical application to the skin according to the bodyweight as follows:
Weight(kg) | Dose volume(mL) | Number of pipettes |
<10 | 0.67 | 1 |
10-20 | 1.34 | 1 |
20-40 | 2.68 | 1 |
• 国内首个正规批文的宠物专用体外驱虫滴剂;
• 汉宠欣滴剂使用方便安全,剂量精准,宠物体重全覆盖,方便医生整支开给宠物使用;
• 汉宠欣®的有效成分非泼罗尼,经全球宠物多年临床验证,安全性高;
• 汉宠欣®起效快,药效可维持一个月以上;
Fiprotect spot on Product Features
• Fiprotect Spot-on is the only national registration approval anti-parasitic product for pet use exclusively.
• Fiprotect Spot-on providing accurate dose well matched up with pet individuals and covering the overall weight of pet.
• Active ingredients of Fiprotect has been used by veterinarians in the whole world for years and proven to be highly safe.
• Fast reaction , Fiprotect will make the effect of the medication last for over 30 days.
1. 宠物用药多久后才能洗澡或游泳?
2. 汉宠欣滴剂可以用于除了犬猫以外的其他动物吗?
3. 汉宠欣多久使用一次?一月多次可以吗?
Fiprotect spray Q&A
1. How long after application can my pet be bathed or go swimming?
Once Fiprotect is applied,this liquid stores itself in the oil glands in your pet’s skin. It then self-distributes continuously for 30 days to kill fleas and ticks, even if your pet swims or is bathed. After application, keep your pet from getting wet for 48 hours. If Fiprotect is to be applied after a bath, make sure your pet is completely dry before application.
2.Can Fiprotect be used on pets other than dogs and cats?
No. Fiprotect Spot-on should be used on dogs and cats only. Fiprotect is a specific product based on what kind of pet you have and how much it weights. Be sure to use the right product for your pets.
3. What’s the frequency of using Fiprotect? Can I apply it more than once a month?
Don't reapply Fiprotect before the month is through. It keeps working for a full 30 days.
1. 8周龄以下幼犬,发烧、患有系统性疾病以及处于恢复期的犬禁用;
2. 给药前精确称量犬的体重。给药后尽量避免频繁洗澡(最多1次/周);
3. 避免将药物滴在犬可以舔舐到的部位,多只犬同时使用本品时,要避免互相舔舐;
4. 对杀虫剂过敏的犬和操作者避免接触本品;
5. 避免手直接接触本品,如果沾到手上立即用肥皂水清洗。
Fiprotect spot on Attention
1. Do not use on puppies less than 2 months old and /or weighing less than 2kg in the absence of available data. Do not use on sick (e.g. systemic diseases, fever) or convalescent animals.
2. Animals should be weighted accurately prior to treatment. Dogs should not be allowed to take bathe or swim in water courses for 2 days after application. After that, bathing too often is not recommend. ( Once a week is most)
3. It is important to make sure that the product is applied to an area where the animal cannot lick it off and to make sure that animals do not lick each other following treatment.
4. Animals or operators with a known hypersensitivity to fipronil or excipients should avoid contact with the veterinary medicinal product.
5. Avoid contents coming into contact with the fingers. If this occurs, wash hands with soap and water. Wash hands after use.
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